By Diane Durban
All of us love our stuff! Some of us have more than others, but most of us have followed the trend of upsizing as we’ve started and expanded our families. We’ve all filled our homes with items that represent memories from life’s experiences – our own and those of family members. We’ve collected and kept the tools of our trades and hobbies and built collections for the sake of collecting. We’ve economized on household and personal products by shopping in bulk. As technology has advanced with what seems like warp speed, we’ve held on to spare parts of our appliances and household gadgets, while the younger generation has adopted a more disposable lifestyle. And from those who have experienced the Great Depression, some of us have learned to save all useful items lest we need them in the future.
Having worked a lifetime setting up these most personal environments, we are often slow to acknowledge or accept the inevitable circle of life need to right-size our possessions as our needs diminish and our ability to maintain our surroundings wanes. Fear no doubt plays a major role in delaying any planning or actions in this regard. When the time finally comes to make a change – due perhaps to a health crisis, a death, or a trusted advisor’s plea – the situation can be overwhelming for not only an existing senior, but also for a child who is worried about their parent’s health, their work schedule, finances, family, and other obligations.
If this resembles you now or will resemble you in the future, have no fear there IS help available. A little known industry called Senior Move Management exists in most urban and suburban areas of the United States. Its members focus on assisting the elderly and/or the health challenged with moving, settling, downsizing, dealing with excess possessions, getting old homes ready for sale, handling estates, and many other needs associated with lifestyle changes. Some of these companies will even assist busy professionals with the same types of tasks. If you have any questions related to these types of services, just ask a Senior Move Manager near you. You’ll be relieved you did! You can find members by searching the association website, Additionally, you will find some helpful resource information!
Diane Durban and Judith Howe founded Brandywine Senior Transitions, LLC, a senior move management company in Delaware, in 2005. A member of the National Association of Senior Move Managers since 2006, they hold the highest designation of “Diamond Society” within the organization. If you have any questions about the senior move management process, contact Diane at (302) 234-1999 or